What is a financial hardship?

A financial hardship is an unplanned, unforeseen financial expense that is beyond the employee’s means to manage. It is a life changing event that alters the course of someone’s day-to-day and is not solely due to loss of employment.

Hardship Definitions

  • Hospital User

    Medical Bills

    Unforseen medical bill assistance when no medical insurance was available arising from an unexpected illness or accident.

  • thunderstorm

    Natural Disasters

    Relief sought after a natural disaster, i.e. hurricane, tornado, ice storm, accidental fire, etc.

  • car-crash

    Auto Accidents

    Assistance with automobile in need of emergency repair to get to work.

  • house-day

    Housing Assistance

    Short term housing assistance to avoid eviction and/or loss of your place of residence.

  • Baby Carriage

    Family Assistance

    Hardships associated with the care of a child or other close family member (including a pet).